6 Tips to Keep in Mind as You Makeover Your Boy’s Bedroom

6 Tips to Keep in Mind as You Makeover Your Boy’s Bedroom

Your little boy has changing interests and it’s time for a bedroom that changes with him. You may need less space for Legos and more space for gaming! It’s probably time to focus on a room that will grow with him through the teen years.

But before we go any further, it’s essential to style this new bedroom with your child. Make him a part of the process. Let him know the do’s and don’ts for the new space and set a budget. Remember, this room could be with him for a while. Be sure both of you are considering his needs in the future and not just his interests at the moment.

  1. Storage Space

    This is important to any pre-teen or teenager’s room. Try to find storage solutions as you buy new furniture. A bed that also has drawers, a nightstand with storage underneath, and even an ottoman to house bedding are all great options. Think about multi-use furniture that will help maximize the space of your son’s bedroom.

  2. Beds That Age Well

    One of the best places to add storage and find a focal point for the room is the bed. Your child probably has sports gear, clothes, school supplies and other items to stow. This Duncan Full Bed has room for two rows of drawers and is big enough to grow with a teenager’s body. It doesn’t overwhelm the room and will still look appropriate during the teen years.

  3. Study Space

    Although your elementary schooler may claim they don’t need a study space, a time will come when they have to spread out. Create a creative space that can serve as an area for puzzles now and a study space in the years to come. This Flynnter Desk has a large surface area to accommodate drone building now and a laptop in the future. It will also add a bit of grown-up flair to the space.

  4. Beds for Buddies

    Sleepovers are coming! Round-the-clock Fortnite sessions take up time and space! Consider a gaming space with a futon if you have the room. This adds two beds to a small area and eliminates the need for sleeping bags or blow up mattresses.

  5. The Walls

    It may be tempting to cover the walls in bright blue and have a mural of dinosaurs, but those decisions may not age well as your son starts to mature. Consider a neutral beige or grey and showcase his favorite colors or characters in the bedding or easy-to-change curtains. There are also decals that leave your walls no-worse-for-wear if he has his heart set on certain elements.

  6. Entertainment

    Likely, his TV, gaming center, and study notes are all on the same machine: a laptop computer. Make sure your child is able to keep their computer at arm’s length. Go for nightstands that have a large surface area, like the Dark Pine nightstand. It also has the added bonus of storage drawers. A nightstand or console cabinet can serve as a TV stand and gaming console as your child’s interests develop.

Just remember to make choices that age well and won’t need to be changed in a few years. Your son’s room should be a place he can be himself away from the stresses of the day. Make his needs the focus of the space.