Create a Home Office that Inspires Creativity

Create a Home Office that Inspires Creativity

Tolling away in a dark corner of the attic is no one’s idea of a good time. Your home office needs to provide form, function, and maybe a guest room? That’s right, most home offices have more than one use. Many people are tempted to put a desk in the corner of the guest room and try to get some work done. But that doesn’t exactly get the creative juices flowing for a little “at home” work.

 Here are 5 ways to create a home office that inspires creativity:

1. Dedicate the Space

Most of us do not have the room for a dedicated office space. That means you have to claim a small corner of your house as a workspace, and that’s ok! If you’re working in the guest bedroom, think about how often guests actually stay over. If you’re using the space as an office most often, embrace that function.

That could mean choosing a stylish futon over a bed. Or maybe a day bed that takes up less space? Start thinking about the room as your office that also works as a spare bedroom—instead of the other way around.

2. Lighting

Not every room in your house may be blessed with natural light. If your office is one of them, make sure to invest in some lamps. Overhead lights can add extra glare when looking over a computer monitor; lamps add ambient light and can brighten the mood. Think floor lamps that reflect light off the walls and ceiling.

3. More than a Desk

 A home office should be more than a desk and chair. You’ll need some space to stretch out and think. A small lounger or glider rocker can help provide a change of scenery without leaving the room!

Add a whiteboard for tasks and visualizing, a shelf for books, maybe even a coffee corner with a place to put snacks and drinks.

4. Keep it cool

Yes, keep the environment cool and pleasant, but also the colors. When decorating a home office go for blues, greens, and other cool colors. Why? Cools colors calm the mind and help you focus. Save the warmer colors for other rooms of the house. Your home office should be calm and serene.

5. Make it cozy

Don’t let your home office become the room you dread. Make it cozy by adding special touches here and there. Add a rug that ties it all together, put pictures and paintings on the wall, add pillows to your futon or chair, the point is to make it a room you want to spend time in!