Ways to Declutter the Toy Room

Ways to Declutter the Toy Room

If there’s one room in the house that makes most parents want to close the door and hide the mess, it’s the toy room. But there are many smart furniture decisions you can make that will cut down on the clutter. Even if your toy room goes from clean to chaos every single day, these ideas will help you create order.


Bins, Bins, Bins

Store things in baskets and bins. There are soft bins for younger kids and more robust bins for older children. Having easily-accessible baskets and bins make it much easier for kids to put away their own toys.


Cut Down on the Labels

Consider not labeling everything. Most playroom organization tutorials recommend putting pictures on all of your bins so kids will know how to put things away. However, for little kids this might create a bit of confusion. Try sections instead. For example, stuffed animals and dolls in one area, blocks and cars in another area. It will be easier for the little ones to keep the space organized.



Sturdy bookcases aren’t only for books, they are the perfect place to store toys and small bins of blocks. Shelves are especially handy for odd shaped toys that won’t easily store in buckets or bins.


Double Duty

Invest in storage options that double as something else. For example, a storage ottoman can hold toys and serve as a seat. Futons serve as seating and an extra bed. Backless barstools are seats and tables for building. A small round dining room table is perfect for art projects and snack time. The more functions the piece of furniture can serve in the toy room, the better.


Zone it Off
Keep your art supplies in one area by investing in a nice desk or filing system to keep paints and crayons organized. Keep electronics in another area, plastic food and kitchen toys in their own corner, and blocks in a certain spot and so on. This will also help contain the mess.


Pick Up Everyday

Do big pickups. Every day or so, clean up the playroom. The kids will like showing off their clean playroom when they’re done! If you making cleaning up a part of your everyday routine, keeping the toy room decluttered will become second nature.